Best Buddy Anna Billings
Blog By Joan S. Peck // Photos by Susie Weiner Magit
November 5th is fast approaching, and with it comes the celebration of those who will receive a Best Buddies Champion Award. One of those to be honored is Anna Billings, the high energy and caring spirit who has been a volunteer for the Best Buddies International nonprofit organization for the past three years.
Best Buddies is dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Her contribution to this nonprofit is powered by her intense passion and love for her special-needs son, whom she adopted 16 years ago.
Anna Billings, an icon in the fashion world in Las Vegas as the manager for the designer boutique Anne Fontaine, is a Best Buddy. Even more, she has become known as someone who inspires women to be beautiful, strong, intelligent, and graceful, encouraging women and young girls like Kellie Connolly to do well.
When Anna was asked to volunteer for the Best Buddies, she became a ‘Best Buddy’ to Kellie. “It has been a humbling experience to be with her and the other beautiful souls and work to ensure they have a place in the world! Kellie has become the reason for me to work so hard for the organization.”
At not yet the age of two, Kellie had a stroke, leaving her left side paralyzed, unable to walk, talk or cry. She spent 26 days in the hospital, and with lots of physical, speech, and occupational therapy since then, she was able to relearn. Kelli suffered bullying from elementary to high school with no friends. In 2008, she joined the program Best Buddies, which changed her life forever by providing her friends. Today, Christina Paris is her peer buddy, and Anna is her adult buddy.
Anna talks nonstop about the importance of inclusion of those with special needs to be active in our society. When asked about her upcoming award, Anna said, “It is an honor and blessing for me to receive it.”
How can you support this fantastic nonprofit? Support a Champion’s campaign, purchase tickets, become a corporate sponsor, or give a general donation to the cause. Contact: Caryombres@bestbuddies.org

Anna Billings
