This article was printed in the
Autumn 2019 issue of Chic Compass Magazine.

Gabi Herd with her mother, Camille
Faith in the Goodness of Humanity
I walked into the lobby of the World Market where we were to meet, and as I watched Gabi and her mother approach me, I was struck by the ease of love between them. Both greeted me with a smile before we sat down and began to discuss the idea of faith and what it means to Gabi.
It’s not always easy being different—especially if you have a rare, genetic mutated collagen cell, which leads to unexplained pain in the joints and other issues that pop up from time to time. Gabi’s condition has never been found in another human being, making her unique in that way, and causing her doctors endless frustration. That is the health issue she has, but that is not who Gabi Herd is—a beautiful soul with boundless kindness toward others.

Breanna and Gabi participate in the Opportunity Village and Clark County School District’s Job Discovery Program
Although shy, Gabi is quick to speak out about the need for each of us to be kind to one another. She receives great satisfaction from being kind to others who have greater special needs than herself, and to help them in any way she can.
When Gabi and her family moved to Las Vegas nearly four years ago from Seattle, she and her mother (her advocate) sought out available resources that help those with special needs. And Gabi jumped right in, taking advantage of the Job Discovery Programs [“JDP”], a partnership between the Clark County School District and Opportunity Village.
JDP is designed to help those with special needs learn different skills so that their opportunities to be included and participate in a working environment expand. JDP is an outstanding organization that helps its students obtain employment all over the Las Vegas valley. CCSD provides student transportation to eight different locations that are part of the JDP program.
- Opportunity Village Thrift Store
- Kitty Rodman Food Service Training Center
- The Animal Foundation
- Clean the World
- The YMCA – two locations
- Head Start – two locations
One of Gabi’s first jobs was working at the thrift store at Opportunity Village, where one of its perks was that she got the first look at the items for sale before sorting and merchandise stocking.
The next step for Gabi was to get involved in Project 150, a non-profit that “offers support and services to homeless, displaced, and disadvantaged high school students so that they have what they need to continue school and succeed in life.” It’s a fabulous program where twice a month, a student with a high school I.D. can go to Betty’s Boutique Tuesday – Friday between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. to pick out ten items: sneakers, clothes, school supplies, and other items. Project 150 delivers lunches to local high schools and on Fridays provides Weekend Food Boxes so that the students have food over the weekend.
Are you aware that we have more than 15,000 homeless kids in Las Vegas?
Gabi now works at the Three Square Food Bank, where she helps to package fruit bags for seniors in need. Three Square also provides lunches for middle school and high schools, among other things.
We are lucky here in Las Vegas to have several noted companies who hire people with special needs: Cox Communications, Springs Preserve and Smith’s, as well as others. JDP has worked with, and now have former JDP students working for companies, such as T Mobile Arena, Brooklyn Bowl, Papa John’s, Planet Fitness, Albertson’s, Heritage Park Senior Center, McDonald’s, Chuck E. Cheese, and the Clark County School District Food Service.

Gabi (right) and Breanna (left) with their Gorman High School escorts at the Joy Prom
It was obvious that Gabi was happy to discuss her involvement in her training, but I also wanted to learn more about her private life.
Gabi, what do you like to do for fun?
GH: “I like to play games on my X-box because I can keep in touch with my friends—Breanna, Travis, Gianna, Swae, and Kelly. I like to go out to lunch with my friends, and I like to hang out with Breanna and Travis. And I love to go to Disneyland. I also love to get dressed up and go to the Joy Prom and other events.”
Tell me about the Joy Prom Las Vegas?
GH: “It’s fun, and I go every year and meet my friends Breanna and Travis there. Last year it was at the M Resort.”
Marketing information lists it as “a yearly prom for teenagers and adults with cognitive and physical impairments, where the Las Vegas community unites to celebrate every guest … and reveals the JOY in selfless giving.”
I also went with Breanna to the Tim Tebow Special Needs Prom last February 2019.

From Left: Miss Teen Nevada USA, Breanna, Gianna, Gabi, and Miss Nevada USA at the Best Buddies Friendship Walk.
Anything else you like to do?
GH: “I also like to watch SBSK (Special Books by Special Kids). SBSK is a non-profit that started when Chris was a special education teacher. His students originally set out to publish a book in which they shared what life is like from their perspective of living with a disability. Since no publisher was interested, he began to create videos. Soon people around the world began to email him, asking if Chris would interview them as well.
Anything else?
“And I love animals.” Then the story came out that her dog Uno, a Rottweiler, had recently died, which has been a big loss for all in the family.
When it’s time to get another dog, what kind of dog do you want?
GH: “I think a Golden Retriever, or maybe a Collie or German Shepherd.” Whatever dog Gabi chooses, the dog is going to be lucky.
What does the future hold for Gabi?
I admire Camille for the joy she takes in her daughter and all that she does to ensure that Gabi is kept busy and is a positive participant in society. In speaking with Camille, I discovered that most of the programs available for special needs people end at the age of 22. I was curious about what lay ahead for Gabi and wasn’t surprised to learn that Camille is in the process of setting up a non-profit called the Kindness Kafe, which will provide a future for Gabi and others. It will be a coffee bar set up inside the lobby of building A of the World Market and will be known for serving top-notch coffee and kindness from its servers. Camille and Gabi have faith they will be able to raise the money for this wonderful cause and be open for business in 2020. Let’s hope so because it’s a great idea.
At the end of our time together, I left Gabi and Camille uplifted as we gave hugs goodbye. It was nice to meet a young lady who has faith that by treating each other with kindness, it’s the best way to live.
Who can find fault with that?
Gabi, if you could change anything, what would it be?
GH: “I would like more friends; friends are important. And when people see special needs people, I’d like them to be kind, not to stare, not to bully, and don’t talk down to us as if we were children.”
What is next for you, Gabi?
GH: “Every year, my mother and I join my best friend, Breanna, and her mother for a trip to Disneyland. I can’t wait. This year we’re going at Christmas time.”
Camille smiled and added, “It’s a girls’ time with no guys, and we can take our time and ride our favorite rides as many times as we want.”