This article was printed in the
Autumn 2019 issue of Chic Compass Magazine.
From the Editor
Welcome to our latest edition of Chic Compass!
As a former editor of a design magazine, and luckily a continuing writer, I have to admit that working with this magazine gives me a great deal of pleasure. The writers and subjects featured in the magazine include multi-talented writers and the subjects are fascinating. As we indicated from the beginning, we include travel, food, fashion, music, design and artists…and are intrigued by our association and relationships with these gifted people. Their endeavors and subjects intrigue us, and we do believe, they have and will continue to intrigue you as well.
In this edition, we feature artist Tim Burton and have dedicated our cover to his latest exhibit at The Neon Museum. We are also featuring travel to Egypt, fashion from the designers of the Industry Fashion Show, great artists, and amazing stories about people here in Las Vegas who have great influences on our city and their amazing outreaches. I’m sure you will be equally fascinated by their endeavors and passions.
We appreciate the support from our writers, advertisers, and readers. And we are already looking forward to our next edition.
We are so honored to have all of our contributors and feel confident you will enjoy our latest adventures.