This article was printed in the
Spring 2020 issue of Chic Compass Magazine.
From the Publisher
Welcome aboard the Chic Compass spring edition! We packed our bags and went globetrotting for you once again.
This time we are visiting Kuai, Hawaii to play a little golf and then we are traveling to London to do a fashion photo shoot. How about a tour of the Liberace Museum at the Thriller Villa in Las Vegas! After the tour, stop in at Old Soul to check out the great atmosphere and food after reading about the Chef behind the vision. While downtown, check out the stunning gallery of Rachel Cline for a fun afternoon of art browsing.
After hours you can check out a show at the Smith Center called Composer Showcase. One of our newest writers, Jonathan Scott, got a personal interview with the creator and founder of the show Keith Thompson. There is always the Henderson Symphony Orchestra that has a stellar show going on with their high energy and incredibly talented music director Alexandra Arrieche. We also welcome Judy Tarte to our staff and she will give you the inside track to our jazz scene and what is going on in the city.
If that isn’t enough, learn about the newly renovated exclusive Stirling Club inside Turnberry Place in Las Vegas. The Faith, Hope, Grace and Charity stories are back with more inspiring spirits that fit those characteristics. We would also like to welcome H.L. Greenberg, M.D. to the writers’ team who will be sharing with us his insight of the latest in skincare and dermatological advances.
We also got the lowdown from Alpha Omega Wealth on how to hire a financial planner. Oscar Picaso is back this time bringing a little back story of how he became one of the top fashions and beauty photographers in the country and his latest photo shoot.
There is so much to read and so little time for me to expand on what you will find in this next edition.
So, sit back, enjoy a cup of tea and perhaps a scone and visit London … next stop Paris but you will have to wait for that next time… Enjoy!