Chic Compass Magazine - Issue 7

This article was printed in
Chic Compass Magazine – Issue 7

From the Publisher


As we approach the end of this crazy winter and long for spring to arrive, I can’t help but feel like we are slowly coming out of the storm at last. With the offering of the vaccine, the lessening of government mandates for capacity crowds, and the number of new cases of COVID going down, perhaps spring is eternal.

In reflection of what has come and gone in this past year, I find myself remembering many life stories shared by friends. Some stories were full of anxiety, fear, and sadness, yet others were full of love, hope, and courage. So many personal friends lost loved ones or struggled to survive financially through this horrible time in history. Then there were friends and family that celebrated births and marriages along with other celebrations in their lives.

The fascinating thing about this time for me was how a person reacted when in “hot water,” as the old saying goes. Not everyone passed the teabag test with the same results. I found that leaders from across the world and in our own country seemed to become a mirror to society in some surreal way. If they held the mirror of fear and hate, the person looking into that mirror reflected the same image. If they held a mirror of courage and faith, that person looking into that mirror became that image. I found most interesting the people who disagreed strongly with the person they believed to be the “evil mirror” ultimately reflected the same hate and anger they so despised by projecting back into the “evil mirror” itself. So many sides to take, and none of them entirely correct.

Let’s talk about what Chic Compass has been doing during this time. Like I said, happy times, sad times, and something in between have occurred. We were able to have a one-on-one conversation with the fabulously talented Ben Vereen! We hope you find this glimpse into what this amazing entertainer has been up to recently enlightening. We have so many fabulous stories to share from the heart, beautiful photography, and did I mention Japan? We have a few stories from that part of the world! We began with one story and ended with three! Funny how things attract when you put out that energy into the world!

We also created a new addition to the magazine called Chic Compass Connection. It is our new Podcast that brings fascinating interviews hosted by the talented Jamie Hosmer. You can find the Podcast on our website and all Podcast sites across the country. Give a listen, and you will find the interviews to be fascinating.

So, relax, sit back and let our compass guide you once again. Chic Compass is always on the path of fun and heartfelt stories. We hope the articles we selected this time bring you some much-needed enjoyment.

Until next time, enjoy the journey!