This article was printed in
Chic Compass Magazine – Issue 8
From the Publisher
Welcome to the latest edition of Chic Compass magazine! We felt the front cover we chose for this summer’s release says it all. Oscar Picazo’s photograph reflects the times we are all living in today. As we are cautious and somewhat optimistic during this time, our memories are too fresh not to recall what we have experienced during these last 18 months, imprisoned in masks. But, as we release the all-encompassing mask, the roses arrive, offering new beginnings and hope that a new life can emerge from what has felt like a very long Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Feeling very much like Titania, the queen of the fairies in Shakespeare’s famous play, after awakening from what seemed to be a very surreal dream, I find myself questioning what exactly did occur in the dream. Going forward, we all have a choice about how we choose to take this life lesson and learn from it.
The talented writing staff worked very hard at finding a collection of stories about some incredibly inspiring artists, an up-and-coming musician and vocalist, and a new show in town not to be missed.
We share some heartfelt tales about a special mental health organization that helped many people deal with so many mental health issues during the pandemic, in addition to the help they were previously offering and continue to offer today. We were also fortunate to interview the intriguing husband and wife team, Dr. Kate Zhong and Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, to get an up to the minute interview on a new drug just released to help Alzheimer’s patients.
We traveled to a unique island that will captivate your imagination, and we give you a glimpse of a few new hot restaurants to visit in Las Vegas. As the culinary world and the entertainment world struggled so desperately to survive in the COVID times, we featured a few stories that will inspire you.
The fashion world is back and forging ahead! No more “day jammies” and “night jammies”! It’s time to put on the pearls and celebrate coming out of our cocoon and dress like the butterfly in the newest fashions photographed by the fabulous Jaime Lim.
We also continue to bring you some fabulous blogs and podcasts hosted by the talented Jamie Hosmer that you can access on our online digital version of the magazine or on any of our social media pages that we invite you to like.
On a personal note, the next few editions will be dedicated to my cousin, Sarah St. Claire, who passed this spring, where we will be offering a column on one of her favorite charities and talk about the dreaded disease that took her from us. As many people we lost from COVID, it pales to the number of people we lose YEARLY to cancer and heart disease. The numbers are staggering and very sobering.
On a lighter note, during these long, hot days of summer, I hope you can once again travel to one of your favorite vacation destinations and sit back and relax with Chic Compass and enjoy the ride! May the compass guide you to a new adventure!