This article was printed in the
Winter 2019 issue of Chic Compass Magazine.

Vanessa Chamberlin
Fuel Your Self-Worth with Healthy Eating
Self-worth is an interesting phenomenon. Without it, we are susceptible to bad relationships, depression, and poor habits that lead to bad health and a painfully unhappy life. But where does it come from? Some people have intrinsic self-worth. They know that their life has value and they see themselves as worthy of both self-love and love from others. Some people have self-worth from outside sources like a caring family and partner. But increasing your self-worth and having a more positive self-image isn’t something we’re taught to do. In most cases, we’re not even taught that self-worth is something we should care about.
I think a lot of the world’s problems could be solved with some direction and counsel, teaching people how to use introspection to understand themselves and others. On an individual level, I believe that how we care for ourselves is the greatest way to grow and foster self-worth. Step one is what we eat.

Here are 5 ways healthy eating fuels self-worth.
It recognizes that you are worth caring about. Just the little bit of time that you put into making yourself a healthy meal—you don’t have to slave over a hot stove all day for a tasty plant-centered dinner, mind you—shows yourself that you’re important. You’re at least as important as the other people you care for, or the other work that you do.
Healthy eating validates your physical well-being. You shouldn’t feel physically uncomfortable and fatigued all the time. The physical symptoms of a junky include things like weight gain, poor digestive health, sluggishness, and an ineffective immune system. Imagine if you were doing something to cause these symptoms in someone else. It would be criminal! Yet people go on doing this to themselves for their entire lives. Changing your habits and moving towards a more plant-centered diet and lifestyle shows you that your physical health and vitality is worth the effort.
Plant-based eating fuels happiness. Sadly, many people either consciously or subconsciously believe that they don’t deserve to be happy. Either they’ve made mistakes in the past or were just taught that they’re not worthy of good things, success, and love. Taking care of yourself and fueling your body and mind with plant-based foods will lead to happiness. It’s time for you to feel joy every day!

Fueling your body with healthy food invests you in your own future. Some people find that they are not motivated to care for themselves in the present because they don’t care about the future. When you realize that you can brighten your own future, work toward your goals, and make personal improvements, then it’s an easy choice to care for yourself today.
Healthy eating breaks the diet cycle and erases guilt and shame around food. I’ve seen this many times: someone has poor self-worth, so they eat junk food, binge, and over-indulge in comfort foods to try to fill the void of self-worth. Then, after they realize the bad choices they’ve made, they feel guilt and regret. That causes them to carry those negative feelings around constantly, diminishing their health and lessening self-worth. Making the decision to eat a plant-based diet opens a world of self-love that stops the cycle of dieting and stops daily feelings of guilt.
If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re ready to start feeling good about yourself. That’s great! You can show love and care for your mind, body, and soul every day by fueling your passions with nutritious food and practicing self-love with your habits. Below are my top 10 ways to improve your self-worth on a daily basis. Let’s get this self-loving party started!
My daily method of operation that creates vibrant health, happiness, and beauty from the inside out.

1. Gratitude
A simple “Thank you God for another day” sets the tone for the rest of the day.
2. Drink Water
Rehydrate your body and brain as soon as you wake and throughout the day. Dehydration is a thief of beauty!
3. Meditate
Begin your day with meditation. There are countless ways to get your mind still and rejuvenate yourself. My personal favorite is Transcendental meditation but soft uplifting music, guided meditation, deep focused breathing or a nice walk outside in nature are all perfect ways to create your daily recharge and internal reboot. Meditation lays the groundwork for how you will show up and respond to your life demands. You will find that even just a few minutes of getting still brings clarity and gratitude that naturally increase your self-worth.

4. Smoothie time
Mom was right… breakfast is important! Your first meal will dictate how and what you crave throughout the day…When you start with a nutrient fiber-rich packed smoothie or a hearty bowl of delicious oatmeal topped with ground flaxseed and fresh berries you will be less likely to crave junk processed food and you’ll give your body the extra energy it requires to power through until lunchtime.
5. Move your body
Stop making excuses… There are countless ways to get your body strong fit, strong, and healthy. Whether it is a brisk walk, cardio, yoga, dancing or lifting weights at the gym …. What matters is that you are moving your body. Your heart, soul, and hips will thank you!
6. Eat the rainbow
The best beauty advise I can give anyone is to eat a variety of fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes. Eating your fruits and veggies will fill your body with a powerhouse full of antioxidants that will prevent disease and fight those crow’s feet and wrinkles better than fancy creams ever could!
7. Journal before bed
The key to a fabulous night’s sleep is to release the day’s events and your to-do list from your brain… a simple few minutes of journaling your thoughts, desires or troubles will help clear out your brain to allow for a more restful night’s sleep. Remember…. There is nothing beautiful about a cluttered overwhelmed mind.
8. Sleep
During sleep, our body does its biggest work to rebuild and repair. When you cut sleep short your body can’t work its magic. Without enough rest, our bodies will hold on to excess weight, have lackluster hair, dull skin, adrenal fatigue and overall lack of energy…Not a pretty picture!
9. Self-love time
Let me count the ways…Read a great book, get a massage, listen to some music that makes your heart sing, take a dance class, enjoy a long luscious bubble bath.

10. Community and friends
Spending time with friends and community that lift you up is one of the best ways we can fill up our beauty tank. A happy heart is a beautiful one!
Vanessa Chamberlin is a Certified Health and lifestyle Practitioner, motivational speaker, and author of The Fire-Driven Life: How to Ignite the Fire of Self-Worth, Health, and Happiness with a Plant-Based Diet. In addition, Vanessa is a passionate jazz singer and mother of three beautiful daughters.
For more information, please visit:
Instagram @VanessaChamberlin
Twitter @vkchamberlin