From Left: Carolyn Freeman, Clint Holmes, Nathan Tanouye and Ron George
Jazz in Las Vegas
Summer arrived in Las Vegas bringing with it the heat. How appropriate that Nathan Tanouye and Clint Holmes’ “Las Vegas Suite” is in recording session. “Heat” is one of the selections and Clint’s lyric tells it all. The 35 members of the Las Vegas Connection have brought the Suite to life with their incomparable talent.
I am amazed at how easily I slipped into this orchestral jazz world. Twelve years ago I heard a composition for a big band by Nathan Tanouye and knew instantly this was the one who could arrange my late husband Russ Freeman’s bebop classics for big band. I wanted Russ’ music to live on. Nathan’s younger ears could bring it to this century. Three CDs later Nathan and the Las Vegas Connection are thriving and about to release “Las Vegas Suite”. The first two CDs are primarily arrangements of Russ’ tunes (“Crossings” and “Remembering Russ”). The third CD, “11”, is a compilation of many of the Latin jazz selections which Nathan composed for our annual “Sizzle Fest” Latin Jazz. “The Las Vegas Suite” is now in the late stages of production and it is our best yet. It is a tribute to our city.
I am the lucky person who sits with the engineer, Ron George, and sees and hears all that goes on in this very complicated procedure. I thought my learning process was fading due to aging brain cells but I found that there are so many fascinating parts to producing a recording. I have found that I am a “rehearsal junkie”. I love rehearsals and any steps to creating the final results. Working with Nathan and Clint is an experience. While Nathan and Clint were creating I felt I didn’t want to intrude. One wonders what Nathan is cooking up next.
Clint, of course, is the consummate professional. Vocally he brought the feel of each tune appropriately to the theme. The “Las Vegas Suite” has five selections: “Springtime in the Desert” with Clint on vocals; solos: Dave Loeb, piano; Marc Solis, alto sax; Nathan Tanouye, trombone. “The Boulevard“ with Clint on vocals; solos: Phil Wigfall, alto sax; Gil Kaupp, trumpet. “The Hustle” solos: Wayne de Silva, tenor sax. “After” with Clint on vocals; solos: Wayne de Silva, tenor sax, John Belzaguy, Bass; “The Heat” with Clint on vocals; solos: Phil Wigfall, alto sax; Nate Kimball, trombone; John Abraham, drums. Dan Falcone is largely responsible for those only-dogs-can-hear trumpet highs.
The LV Jazz Connection has been dubbed “a symphonic jazz orchestra”. We are so fortunate to have the finest musicians in our city and happily they are part of the Connection. The majority of them have been with us from the beginning (2006). I couldn’t be prouder.
The CD will be released in 2019 and will be submitted to the Grammy’s for consideration. We are in for some exciting times next year. We will announce the release of the CD early February 2019.