By Joan S. Peck
Who doesn’t love the holidays? And for many of us, the more decorations, the better … especially if they involve flowers. DeMarcus McCoy, the owner of LV Modern Bloom Design, noted for his statement, “We’ll take your ideas and inspirations and make them bloom into existence,” is the perfect one to help you with your Christmas decorations.
Having learned to trust in his creative skills, McCoy opened his doors in October 2020 during the pandemic and hasn’t had a moment of regret. McCoy works with large corporations on the strip and continues developing personal clientele using social media and word of mouth. A glance at his work enables you to see why so many people come to him with their ideas for Everyday Floral arrangements, Weddings, Funeral Arrangements, Special events, Home décor, and Holiday decorating.

DeMarcus McCoy, Owner LV Modern Bloom Design
Some of his favorite installations are created during Christmas and take long hours or even several days to complete. “But the final vision is so magical, and I enjoy seeing the families’ reactions after seeing their tree completed.”
Any tips for decorating your tree or other displays?
“Don’t be afraid to use large ornaments … a variety in the size of ornaments gives the tree character.”
Are poinsettias good to use if you have pets?
“Poinsettias are absolutely gorgeous! However, they are toxic for your pets. It’s not life-threatening if eaten, but I would suggest giving the vet a call.”
What are your favorite flowers to decorate with at Christmas time, besides the poinsettia?
“I have two favorites that I love using during Christmas—the garden rose is one, and the other is fresh cut Noble Fir. Once the roses bloom, they are so fluffy, and the Noble Fir gives your home that fresh-cut tree aroma.”
What would it be if you could use only one flower or plant to decorate with for Christmas?
“Hands down, I would go with white fresh-cut orchids. They are just so elegant and can last up to one week, if not more.”
What is your number one advice for anyone who wants to use flowers for decorating at Christmas time?
“I would recommend that if you are using a form, to make sure that the block is completely hydrated. Also, if you are using Christmas greens, make sure that is plenty of water in the vase, and it helps to give them a spray.”
What has been your most fun project so far?
“Every year, I decorate a private fitness gym called the G-Spot. I have a blast with this project because we start with Halloween, transition into fall, then Christmas. The most fun with this project is that the change happens overnight, so the next morning it’s an exciting surprise and experience for my clients and their customers.”
Seeing my clients’ reactions when they receive their creations inspires me to do more. So I say to anyone interested in using floral to express love for themselves and others, “Let’s Bloom together!”
You can find LV Modern Bloom Design online at LVModernBloomDesign.com
Contact them directly at:
(702) 806-1205