This article was printed in
Chic Compass Magazine – Issue 6

Memories of Paris
It was the trip I had dreamt of since I was a young designer. For almost two decades, I had listened to the who’s who of interior design discuss their experiences of wandering Les Puces (the fleas) and the textiles discovered during the exclusive launch at Deco Off. The time had come – 2020 was my year!
Pinch me! We had only just flipped our calendars to 2020, and I was in Paris. Off the plane, into a taxi, and away we went to our flat in the 6th Arrondissement. Stepping out of the cab, feeling the crisp winter air on my face, I paused to take a deep breath and whispered, “I am here.” I had been to the city before, but this time was different. I was in search of a spark—a spark to reignite that passion and creativity that had found itself muddled with the mediocrity of the daily grind. With these lofty expectations, we needed an itinerary to match. Lucky for me, I was traveling with a few amazingly talented ladies with a similar focus, and our itineraries were packed. Little did I know, this trip would become one I would never forget.

From Left: Rachel Andersen, Racheal Hageness, Cally Stanton, & Mary Rose Grippe.
Deco Off brings together design professionals and creatives from all over the world. There must have been about 100 showrooms sprinkling the streets, each with their own tantalizing textiles, passementerie, and furnishings. It was like no other tradeshow I have ever experienced—an opportunity to meet and speak with the creative geniuses behind some of my favorite brands.
We began our Deco Off journey with Casamance exploring their patterns emphasizing themes of Nature, Light, and Family while sipping champagne.
At the Automobile Club de France, Pierre Frey’s inspiration was narrated by the charismatic and creative Patrick Frey. I felt as if his words had been hand-picked for my ears. While admiring the visual stimuli flashing on the screen and the textiles whirling about, his statements of “Do what you believe in,” “Beige is boring,” and “Do not listen” vibrated my soul.

Lori Weitzner welcomed us in for an intimate review of her collaboration with Lisa Hunt, and we celebrated her stunning jewelry line.

From Left: Lori Weitzner, Rachel Andersen, Racheal Hageness
We squeezed into the Dedar reveal where rippling wools and linens draped like rich fondue dripping from a delectable piece of French bread. A celebration of craftsmanship was on display. This was one of my favorite textiles of the trip – look at that selvage!

Next was Hermes. Donning my appropriately curated silk scarf and a headset for translation from French to English – The four horsemen motif galloped throughout the collection, graphic patterns, and the infamous ‘H’ of course. Colors ranged from subtle to vibrant. The room was packed full of creative minds appreciating the craft before us while honing our own.
Deco Off did not disappoint this first-time attendee. Inspiration was everywhere! Light, Nature, Vision, Family, Touch, and Connectivity – These were the words I was taking with me into 2020.
As you know, no industry event would be complete without a soiree or two… We creative types sure embrace that “work hard, play hard” mantra. Well, this trip was no exception. There were many cocktail receptions and even dancing in the streets.

The American Party in Paris was a hot ticket even before we left the states. It took place at the Theatre National de Chaillot. It was great to reunite with past colleagues and form new relationships, not to mention – the view was spectacular!
The piece de resistance for me was when I was 1 of the 100 honored design professionals to have received an invitation to an undisclosed location. We were only told that formal attire and a masque were required. This was pre-COVID, so no – not the N-95 kind.
Any guesses on where we were heading?

Palace of Versailles
The motorcoach approached the golden gates, and tears filled my eyes. This Midwestern girl of humble beginnings could never have imagined the evening that was about to unfold. We had arrived at the Palace of Versailles.
We were silent, awe-struck. The palace appeared to be lit by candlelight.
The palace entrance was flanked by trumpet wielding guards welcoming each of us as if we were royalty. Once inside, everyone filed up the grand marble staircase for a heartfelt message from the event sponsors. We were filled with gratitude and emotion. My eyes wandered from the hosts into the masked crowd, where each of us had been granted anonymity for an evening. It was evident that this was a powerful moment for so many of us.

Then, we were provided the opportunity to meander the palace halls. I was mesmerized by how different it felt. The palace is one of the most visited monuments in France, and the halls were quiet. Each chamber revealed secrets too shy for the crowds. Shadows had replaced the daylight, chandeliers sparkled with warm light, and you could hear the squeaking of the parquet floors beneath your feet.

As if this evening had not already created what I imagine an out-of-body experience would feel like, it was time to find my place at the table. The table settings glistened beneath the warm glow of the barrel-vaulted ceiling.

A trumpet sounded. It was the first course! Each course from that moment forward was announced with musical accompaniment.
What happened next was unimaginable. Why yes, that was a private firework show over the gardens of Versailles. I have no words to describe the feelings I felt at that very moment, but I am positive that this was the icing on that cake that Marie Antoinette boasted about.
This was an unforgettable evening, and this trip was an experience like no other.

Are you dreaming of a destination or experience? Perhaps you want to learn a new skill or have set a goal to polish off an old one? If this year has taught me anything, it is why not me and why not now? Take the trip. Use the good china. Drink the champagne.
Cheers –