This article was printed in
Chic Compass Magazine – Issue 8

Quincella Rivers
Quincella Rivers: Faith Knows No Limits
I first met Quincella Rivers through a mutual friend, where we gathered to support the Forgotten Song Foundation and the arts. That was just before her first book of poetry, “Think of Me When You Drink Tea,” was published in 2017.
By reading her book, I learned that as a child, Quin had a speech impediment because of her hearing impairment. “She was self-conscious of her speech and found solace in writing. When she was eleven, her mother bought her a diary, and Quin began to write. The words flowed as she found a healthy outlet for her emotions, and as the words began to rhyme, young Quin realized she was a poet.”
Since that first meeting, Quin and I have become friends, and I was excited to be the one to write about her new venture, the 501(c) non-profit, L’Bella Arts in Motion.

I was curious to learn what had inspired her to take on this project. After all, setting up a non-profit is not for the faint-hearted, and you need to have faith and a solid belief in yourself and your goal to turn your idea into reality.
Have you always been involved in the arts?
QR: “Yes. We’re all born into the arts. As babies, before we walk, we dance. Before we talk, we sing! The arts are a part of me.”
Where did your love of the arts come from?
QR: “My grandmother. We always had all kinds of art and music playing in the house. At the age of four years old, she took me to my first opera. We went everywhere to watch ballet performances, the ebony fashion fairs, different plays, various museums, and more.”
“I took modern dance lessons and sang in the church and school choir. Growing up, I was exposed to the arts in the school system, where we learned songs from many of the Broadway musicals “The Shadow of Your Smile,” “Climb Every Mountain,” and so much more. We had a Music Appreciation class where we had to learn about the different instruments, how they sounded, and the names of famous composers and their works. It’s a shame that schools don’t do that anymore.”
Any fun experiences at school having to do with the arts?
QR: “When I was in 8th grade, my music teacher Mrs. Lois Penn, asked me to sing a solo, Ava Maria, in the Christmas holiday pageant. I told her, ‘I can’t do that.’ She took me aside and told me, ’Don’t ever tell me you can’t do anything.’ It was the best advice I ever got. And as you can guess, I sang my solo.”
“When I was in sixth grade, I participated in a citywide music festival with two others. As a sophomore, I was part of the Girls Glee Club when we competed in the Indiana State Music Competition and won!”
I’m surprised you didn’t end up working in the performing arts field.
QR: “My biggest dream was to be a ballerina, but when I overheard a conversation between my grandmother and a neighbor, who reminded my grandmother that there were no black ballerinas, I stopped dancing.
When did you end up here in Las Vegas?
QR: “I moved from Gary, Indiana, to Las Vegas, in 1979. I earned my degree in social work and was hired by Clark County and worked in various areas of the Clark County Juvenile Court Services as a Probation Officer and then as an Investigator for Child Protective Services. I’ve worked with many girls, and women caught up in human sex trafficking and prostitution, as well as those with other issues, of course. I retired in 2007.”
I thought about Quin’s work history as a social worker. It must have been a heavy load at times, and here she was now doing something extraordinary with her passion for the arts. I was impressed.
Tell me about L’Bella Arts in Motion.
QR: “It was a dream and a vision I had. I feel truly blessed and grateful for the support, encouragement, and camaraderie I have experienced with the team members of L’BELLA.

Celebration of the launch party in the home of the Founder and President of L’Bella, Quin Rivers
“Since our founding in May 2020, L’Bella Arts in Motion, Inc. has formulated a diverse membership representing five states including our nation’s capital: Washington DC, Nevada, Maryland, Indiana, New Jersey, and New York. We’re very proud of the diversity of our team and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success.”
What does art mean to you?
QR: “Part of my message to those interested in L’Bella Arts in Motion is Everything is art; art is everything, and L’Bella is Arts in Motion. Art is life, love, passion, harmony, and so many things. Art has no limits and no boundaries.”
What is L’Bella’s Mission Statement?
QR: “The mission of L’Bella Arts in Motion Inc. is to blend and reveal diverse cultures and art forms in our community and deliver high-caliber accessible art experiences. We will promote cultural awareness and diversity to individuals and the community in all genres of the arts.”
What makes L’Bella Arts in Motion unique?
QR: “L’Bella Arts in Motion goes beyond the traditional performing arts disciplines that include dance, instrumental, voice, literary, and visual arts. It consists of the non-traditional disciplines that include floral and cake design, culinary arts, photography, film, pottery, sculpture, quilting, interior, costume, and fashion design.
“We support all the disciplines by providing exposure, stipends, educational workshops, and a platform for individuals to perform.”
“We support new ideas and creativity of individuals and the art community.”
How exactly does L’Bella Arts in Motion help artists?
- We give stipends to new artists
- We provide platforms to perform
- We conduct workshops/lectures
- We show appreciation for all genres of the Arts

Gathering of L’Bella members at the home of International Jewelry Designer – Gulten Dye.
I know you are actively involved in singing in a group. Tell me about it.
QR: “Yes, I am a member of Lady Luck Showtime Chorus, which is a part of Sweet Adelines International, a women barbershop. We competed on the Regional level in 2018 and won first place in our division. As the result of winning first place in our region, we competed in the International Sweet Adelines in 2019 in New Orleans.”
As an author, do you have plans for writing another book?
QR: “Yes, I’m in the middle of writing another book of poetry called “A Journey Well-Lived,” launching sometime soon.
To do what you’re doing, you must have faith. What does faith mean to you?
QR: “Faith means traveling a journey of the unknown and taking the chance to pursue your hopes and dreams. You have the courage to search for the truth about yourself and learn to accept your flaws as well as your accomplishments. If you fail, you have the courage to try again. Faith provides that will and strength to move forward.
“Faith gives you the motivation to unselfishly share your wisdom with others and encourage them to pursue their passion.
“Faith releases your fears and doubts. It helps you gain confidence and enhances your ability to turn your dreams into a reality.”
What is next for you and L’Bella Arts in Motion?
QR: “Our first fundraising event is going to be on August 29, 2021—A Sunday Afternoon of Jazz with the Woody Woods Trio and vocalist, Genevieve Dew—from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the Orleans Hotel & Casino. Tickets are $75, and you can find additional information on our website Lbellaarts.com.”
I believe in the importance of being exposed to the arts and having available outlets to express ourselves creatively. For me, having another non-profit organization promoting the arts here in Las Vegas is fabulous for all of us. Especially in light of so many art and music classes removed from the schools due to budgetary restraints, leaving the students a void that the other courses can’t replace. I hope that our readers will support L’Bella Arts in Motion and all the other beautiful non-profits that support the arts.
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Kudos to you Quinn for your insight and dedication.
Continued success in all of your endeavors.
Quite impressive – insightful, inclusive, exciting, motivational and inviting. I see a valuable addition to the arts in L V and wish you long life and much success.
Congrats to Quin Rivers and her members!
Great article about the beautiful, inside & out, Quin Rivers. Much success to her & the non profit she’s established, LBella❤️
I love her poetry, talented , I know L’ Bella will be just as amazing. Congratulations Quinn. Continue to be creative.
Most impressive and informative. Thank you for sharing!
Congratulations, Quin. I can say “I knew her when”. Proud of you, girlfriend.
Quin, I read your book of poems in “Think of Me When You Drink Tea” and you touched my sole with your words. It is my heartfelt desire that you are successful in your endeavors and I feel you have what is needed to bring arts to our community in Las Vegas. Best wishes!
Quin, for over the 30 years I’ve known you have always had a full plate. You have managed all with grace and charm. I know LBella Arts in Motion will continue to thrive and become an integral part for the Arts community in Las Vegas, NV. With your commitment, love and ingenuity there will be no limit to the success of LBella.
So proud and happy for you, Quin. May God continue to bless you as you share your talents with all of Las Vegas and beyond.
This article truly is such an inspiration as well as an obvious testament of how to live your best life. So very glad to have my Auntie Quin in my life! I am bursting with pride in reading about all of her great accomplishments! I just love her vibrant spirit and am grateful whenever I’m in her presence.
Wonderful! Great job and continue to be a blessing to our community. -RoseBud
I am overwhelmed with your inspiration, drive and dedication. I am truly honored to know you and looking forward to your next publication. The first touched my heart and sou.. Thank you!!!!! for all that you do!! You have truly touched many many lives. May God continue to bless you and your efforts Much love.!
On behalf of our group TZK, we look forward to performing and being part of your future events. Las Vegas is blessed to have you!
Quin, you could have chosen to retire into obscurity. But those who know you shouldn’t be surprised to find you right in the thick of, and leading a performance art venue. I am in awe of your unwavering enthusiasm , energy, and commitment to what you truly love.
Congrats on your hard work and service to our community. You are opening doors for many who want so badly to participate in the arts. Continued success to you and your future endeavors. You are an inspiration to us all!
Earl Turner
Quin, as a retired educator I am very aware of the importance of the Arts in our children’s education. I met you 8 years ago when you reached out to assist the Foundation to Assist Young Musicians (FAYM). I got to know you and really appreciate how you reach out to encourage ALL children to pursue their own artistic expression. It is people like you and the members of L’Bella that truly understand and live by the belief that, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Your efforts make this world a better place for our children! THANK YOU for all you do!
Awesome…. Nice introduction of a wonderful group of women . Much success Quin
Quin, your talent is a wealth and a gift which should be honored. Thank you for sharing your skills, your passion and of course your brilliance. I applaud you.