“Mother’s Love” – 24″ x 20” oil on canvas by Renata Bosnjak
Renata Bosnjak: A Lady of Faith
When I learned that I’d be writing about Renata Bosnjak, the talented artist of predominantly religious figures and portraits, I had no idea what to expect. Upon meeting her, I was taken aback, for to me, she looked like she could have fit into one of her paintings. She was tall with her long blond hair pulled back, and she reminded me of older times. But it was her eyes that drew me in—so expressive as only an old soul can exude. I wanted to know more about her.
Renata was born in Bosnia in 1976. Growing up, she always heard stories about her grandfather, an Austrian-German man with an affinity for art. Even though she never met him, those stories carried her through her passion. Holidays and special occasions often brought large boxes of chocolate candy into the household. Those times provided Renata with a clean pallet when she could use the inside cover of the candy box to paint. At the age of seven, she took the inside lid from a chocolate box to paint her first painting, “Girl Holding Dog,” which she kept and brought with her when she moved to Las Vegas in 1997.

“Girl Holding Dog” by Renata Bosnjak at age 7
“I have never been taught painting, and no one took me seriously when I painted, even when I won “best in art” in middle school.”
After middle school, it was an unhappy time in Bosnia when the four-year Bosnian war began in 1992, blocking Renata from pursuing her passion. After high school, a choice in career became a matter of survival rather than love, pushing her to work in the police department instead of continuing her art. Her life took another unexpected turn when she finally received her American visa.
Her aunt was living in Las Vegas after being sponsored by a local catholic church, and it was through that same church that Renata received sponsorship and was finally able to move to Las Vegas in 1997.
When Renata first arrived in the United States, it was not easy for her. She didn’t know English and, because of that, was often treated as if she were uneducated and naive. Renata managed to find work at the Luxor as a chambermaid, but without her family and feeling alone, Renata turned to her art to find solace. She began to paint in earnest … first landscapes, and then portraits. She also found herself painting large murals and creating plaster-clay sculptures.
Settling in Las Vegas, Renata looked around and realized that “All the people were refugees from one place or another … even if only from another state. And I saw the fear and worry of being somewhere new in their eyes.”

“Hope” – 30″x 40″ oil on canvas by Renata Bosnjak
Aware that so many refugees from different places are women, Renata views them as beautiful regardless of color, age, or looks. She is attracted to their soul, and that is what she paints. She wants her painting to express to women new to this country, “You have endurance and power. You can do it!”
Her themes of love, faith, motherhood, and all positive attributes of humanity, generate an immediate visceral impact and healing energy.
Renata calls her portrait work “Soul Painting,” and it is evident when you look into the eyes of those she has painted that she’s been able to reach their soul to express their emotions. “When people see my painting of the Madonna, I don’t want them to forget that she lost her son like any mother and child, and I express that.”
Renata uses Old Master painting techniques and has developed her own unique style enhanced by her sensitivity to her subjects and keen attention to detail. “People have said to me that I must paint famous icons like Elvis or Marilyn Monroe to be a success in Las Vegas, but it’s just not me. I love the more traditional painting, and I plan on staying true to myself and my techniques. That is what makes me feel successful.”

“Madonna and Child” – 24″ x 36″ oil on canvas by Renata Bosnjak
She continues evolving through her personal and professional experiences, developing her love for her craft; and mastering her Artistry.
Renata’s art has been in many gallery exhibitions, including the Laguna Art Gallery, the Vegas Wonderland Gallery, and New York Art. Her solo exhibition is being planned by the Steiner Gallery in Vienna, Austria.
She has received several awards from critically acclaimed art curators, including the International Art Prize Frida Kahlo and the International Prize of New York City. Her art has been published in several books and magazines, including Current Masters, among others.

“Through the Windows” 16″x 20″ oil on canvas by Renata Bosnjak
Renata has won Awards of Excellence from The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS and Manhattan Arts International. She received a Special Recognition Membership Art Award in “The Spirit of Resilience” exhibition, curated by Renee Phillips, Director of Manhattan Arts International. Phillips wrote: “Renata Bosnjak’s oil paintings of predominantly religious figures and portraits are imbued with a life-affirming presence.”
When I look at Renata’s work, I feel a sense of calmness, for I see the hope, love, and fearlessness of the female gender. Yet, for me, those portraits nudge me to be more of who I am. After all, it is the power of women, like Renta, who are willing to meet life’s challenges and do what is necessary to remind others in her own way of the simplicity of living a kind, good life filled with faith.
View more of Renata’s artwork at:

Renata Bosnjak
This is amazing. such beautiful works. The eyes are so engaging and captivating . I also have the wonderful pleasure of knowing this artist and she is as awesome in person as her body of works. Thank you Chic Compass for featuring this brilliant local Las Vegas artist.