Hosted by Jamie Hosmer

Staci Alayvilla knew she wanted to be a writer when she heard a recording of her grandfather, Stephen Swidarski, who was a POW in WWII. She had a dream for his story to be told in the form of a children’s book to help deliver a message of American pride and gratitude for our veterans and active military. Her book, “The Bearded Marvel” is the fulfillment of that dream. To purchase a copy visit www.americaspublications.com
Staci believes that a good story teaches a life lesson. It is her greatest hope that her book allows someone to see that, despite differences among the people in America, we should all feel united in our good fortune and celebrate the freedoms we have.
Staci and her husband live in Las Vegas, Nevada with their 3 beloved Pitbulls.
For more information about The Veterans History Project, and to hear the true account of her heroic grandfather, Stephen “Tebers” Swidarkski, as told by the late Tebers himself, visit memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.15980/.