The Unworldly Donna Seebo
By Joan S. Peck
Who is Donna Seebo? She is the dynamic International Radio Host/Producer of The Donna Seebo Show & The Warriors for Peace, Motivational Speaker, Counselor, acclaimed Author, Teacher, and Psychic. A woman of many talents, she had no idea her psychic mind skills would take her on such a journey of discovery, travel, and interacting with thousands of people from around the world.
In her twenties, Donna Seebo realized she wanted to make a change in her life and end an unhealthy relationship. She then learned the importance of asking for help because “once you do, avenues open up, ultimately leading you to the right person and people who can assist you. It was for me, and continues to be, a life-long journey of discovery.”
Donna says, “It takes walking the path of life – the good, the bad, the ugly. It’s all there, but it’s there for a reason. You have to walk the walk of learning. You have to pick and choose who you will keep company with, and you have to be open to different perspectives and understandings.”
Not too long ago, Donna heard from a high school classmate who amazed her with his remembrance of her. “You didn’t try to tell people what to do; always listened to what others had to say without judgment, but you were going to do what you felt was right for you.”
After speaking with Donna Seebo, I could see that what he said still stands today, evident in how she interacts with people in any situation, for she is accomplished and poised, warm and sincere with a beautiful sense of humor. Donna is all about communication; it has become her life, with her six weekly radio shows proving this point. Her standard of excellence is an inspiration to those who cross her path.
The Donna Seebo Show started in 2001, is presented daily from 8 to 9 PM on weeknights, and is dedicated to ‘Personal Empowerment through Positive Programming’ comprised of interviews with people worldwide who have something unique, educational and inspiring to offer the listening audience.
In September 2014, Warriors for Peace became a weekly hour-long show each Wednesday from 7 to 8 PM, interviewing and focusing on authors, veterans, military people, and those who speak the truth to help this world become a more balanced, sustaining environment supporting ultimate peace. Individuals who, through their professional or personal commitment, choose to educate, inform and live in a manner that aspires to make this world a better place.
During COVID, Donna was acutely aware of how being isolated from each other caused us stress and even death from the lack of human interaction and contact. Now that we are in better touch with others, Donna believes that not much has changed in that we’re still lazy and unwilling to communicate in a true sense. Instead, we give snappy answers or end abruptly, not allowing for real conversation or a difference of opinion. Instead, we close off the willingness to grow through other ideas expressed or view our beliefs from a different perspective.
Some of her words of wisdom are the importance of people investing in themselves—like a bank account—by being curious and investing in education from an early age. “When you are open to learning something new every day, you will have a richness of life. When you recognize that you are here for a reason, you will know that your purpose is to be the best you can possibly be. This journey is not a 30-second experience; everyone has something to contribute.”
At the end of her daily programming, Donna always mentions Henley’s quote, “You are Master of your fate, Captain of your soul.” In these changing times, when we hold those words close to our hearts, we have hope for our dreams and the future, knowing we each and everyone make a difference in our own unique way.

Contact information:
Website: https://delphiinternational.com
Website: www.mrsseebosclassics
Telephone: 253.582.5604
Delphi Vision International Inc.
PO Box 99015
Lakewood, WA 98496-0015
Find Donna on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.