Chic Compass Blog
Joan S. Peck

There’s No Stopping Joan Peck

By Ann Parenti

I have followed J.S. Peck’s novel writing since reading Death on the Strip, Book 1 of her Death Card Series … and now I’m hooked! The fascinating thing about this is that I usually read non-fiction books, and Joan’s mystery novels are a genre I have never read.

You might know Joan Peck as the author of spiritual books centering around the seven major energy centers of the body–the chakras. She also wrote the true story about her son’s addiction and ultimate death called “Prime Threat – Shattering the Power of Addiction.”

Now, after each of her latest books becomes available, I eagerly prepare a space of time to allow for reading because once I start her books, I can’t put them down! I’ve known Joan for a long time, so I wanted to understand what enticed her from writing non-fiction to fiction, murders no less.

“After my son’s death, I realized what a privilege it is to be alive and able to pursue our dreams. I’ve wanted to write mystery books since a child, and I thought, Why not now? So I began, and honestly, I wasn’t sure I could do it.”

How did you decide on your storyline?

“I had an opportunity to pitch it as a movie in front of a crowd of people at a writing seminar, and I was too shy to stand up and do it. As fate would have it, I was sitting at the same table as the presenter for lunch, and afterward, I asked him if I could pitch my idea, and he gallantly agreed. My words spilled out, ‘It’s about a psychic who reads tarot cards, and every time the death card shows up in a reading, there’s a murder.’ He loved the idea and said, ‘Now, write the book.’”

Your latest book, The Waiting Room, is slightly different from your others, with a lighter touch. More of a romance or Women’s Fiction book, am I right?

“Yes, it is. It is one of my favorite books to date. I loved writing it. Even though there is a murder, it revolves around three very different women who become life-long friends after meeting in the doctor’s waiting room. It is a story every woman should read if only to remind ourselves how vital girlfriends are in our lives. With everything happening in our world today, we need each other more and more.”

Available on Amazon in Print and Kindle e-Book editions
Also available as an e-book from other major book sellers.

What’s up next? “I wanted to try writing something I haven’t done before–a holiday romance. So, I wrote Santa Baby, which will be out this October. It’s a delightful love story about a woman who discovers a toddler in the back seat of a running car missing its driver. And there’s no murder in it!”

“Also, in 2023, I’ll have a new series out, The Cousins Mystery Series, with The Boston Bash as Book One, which takes place in Boston … no surprise.” (smile)

I know how busy you can be working for Chic Compass magazine, so I’m amazed at how you’ve found time to write as much as you do.

“Being centered on surviving the Covid epidemic these past three years made it easier for me to stay home and write. Once it became something scheduled to do each day, it became a habit, which helps me stay focused and more prolific.”

And I am glad because reading another book by J.S. Peck is always exciting! So please keep writing. You can find all of Joan’s books on Amazon and her website: